We find ourselves in turbulent times with the cost of living crisis, striking workers and a new monarch and it is always fascinating to watch how the UK has responded to change.
I have a personal view that we are all leaders and it is how we choose to behave in these turbulent times that demonstrate the leadership skills we all have.
There are days where I feel we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don’t. The opinions of others across the world over social media and journalists are impacting the decisions that individuals make, which cements my belief we are all leaders and have leadership traits which many will choose to follow.
What would happen if our choices and decisions came from a place of love rather than fear?
What would happen if we collaborated rather than competed?
What if we all worked as a team rather than in silo?
These are questions that are relevant now, in the future and questions I’ve asked in the past as part of reflection.
What lessons am I taking away by leading through crisis?
Challenge creates opportunity
Our values drive behaviours
Our beliefs drive behaviours
Tough decisions must be made based on risk
Fear and panic creates hysteria
Communication is paramount for success
Love and support creates harmony
Collaboration is the only win/win situation
None of this is new, we just don’t consciously bring it to the forefront of our minds when we are busy.
What opportunities does crisis bring?
Learning & Growth
Creative Thinking
Strategic Thinking
Implementation of new ways of working
Effective decision making
Living life true to our family and company values and beliefs
Challenge and conflict resolution
Effective Communication
On top of that, I have a lot to be grateful for. I have my health which is my wealth, a family who love and support me even when I’m not firing off all cylinders and being my best self as well as a fabulous support community that I can pull on in times of crisis. I’m living life true to my family and company values and beliefs.
How is the current crisis affecting you?
What help & support do you require?
Please feel free to reach out to see what solutions I may have