Do you need an organiser in your team who shows you they care?
Steady S leaders and coaches are the organisers in the team. They will have a plan and see it through to the end, some people will refer to them as the starter/completer.
Here are the typical characteristics of a Steady S
Reserved - Processing information internally
People orientated - considering the impact decisions have on everyone
Great Listeners
Imagine you are having a social gathering or team meeting, the Steady S will be the one that arrives with the cake to share with everyone. They will be the one that organises the gifts whether that be for birthdays, anniversaries or leavers. It wouldn't be unusual to hear them say "Sharing is caring". In relationships they will seek harmony and potentially avoid the conflict situation unless they feel capable to use their skills to support a satisfactory resolution for all concerned.
Their greatest fear is loss of security and change. That isn't to say that they cannot adapt to change, just that you will need to give them sufficient time to process the change and be prepared to discuss the change without judgement.
Imagine you are in a group and someone gets upset, the steady S will be the first to comfort them by putting an arm around them, demonstrating empathy and sympathy, wanting to listen to the problem and seek a solution. They are nurturing with their kind nature and can be viewed as the mother or father in the group. Mother Theresa pops into my head when I think of a Steady S character.
Questions you may want to ask yourself when dealing with a Steady S leader or coach:
How do they make you feel?
Do their characteristics help or hinder the situation?
How can you play to their strengths in the relationship or team?
How may you have to adapt your communication style to get the best out of them?
How could these people be an asset and add value to your team?
My top tip for engaging with a Steady S is MAKE ME FEEL SECURE & SHOW ME YOU CARE
If you want to learn more about DISC then I would recommend "Empowering Employee Engagement - How to ignite your team for peak performance" By Claire Cahill.