Ignite your potential

The Ignite your potential programme is delivered over a period of six months covering four modules on prime key leadership areas. Each month is ignited by a face to face professional development day led by Claire Cahill. Delivery online option is every other week for 90 minutes via zoom

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How many of us can confidently say we are consistently working to our full potential?

Leaders at all levels will often receive training focused on what the organisation delivers but not the opportunity to develop their own leadership capacity to its full potential or that of their teams. Ignite your potential focuses on just this with the CPD accredited course provider and no nonsense coach Claire Cahill.

Ignite your potential will provide you with a wealth of insight which allows you to be the best version of you as a leader leading your teams and provide the clarity you need to take that next step in your career you never thought possible.

This dynamic programme is delivered in cohorts of six participants. You have the choice of this being within the current organisation you are working in, or the unique opportunity to be in a group with courageous leaders from different organisations.

…"I cannot recommend Claire highly enough; she has a unique laser-targeted way of drilling down to what you need as a leader and an individual to help you move forward. I trusted Claire implicitly with the information and journey I imparted on."…

-Andrea Gillard

“High levels of disengagement were making me feel isolated and unhappy at work. Claire helped to improve my self-awareness resulting in better communication with my manager. I have regained confidence and motivation, and finally feel more like myself.”

- Richard, Sales & Marketing Leader

"Working with Claire has given me accountability and the tools to move forward. I now better understand myself, what my values are and how they affect me. The sessions have given me clarity and improving my processes produced almost immediate results."

Sarah Edwards-Keeling, International Business Owner

"DISC profiling absolutely captured my personality and behaviours – something I’ll be taking forward and applying not only in work but also with my family and across the many things I’m involved in."

Steve Spendlove, Senior Policy Manager, DWP

"Claire worked with myself and my team of directors on the strategic focus of our business. Her involvement has delivered tangible results: we are more synchronised as a team and have become more adept at working towards a unified goal."

Tina Brown, Director, Summit Creative

Details of the Ignite your potential programme

1Module 1 – Understanding Self (6 hours learning)

Understand the different learning styles and whether you have preferences to be visual, audio or kinaesthetic.

Emotional Intelligence – What is it? Why do you need it? How can you use it?

Values and Beliefs – Explore what these are and how they help/hinder success.

Self-Image and the shadow I cast – Increase your self-awareness.

SWOT analysis – Explore your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Leave with a plan to play to strengths.

Best Self – Increase your self-awareness and leave with a plan to implement daily so that you can be the best version of yourself.

DISC – Introduction to the different personality profiles and explore how you need to communicate with different people.

There is an option at the end of module one to purchase your DISC profile and receive a 1:1 coaching session for £125.00 to enhance your knowledge further.

2Module 2 – Understanding Others (6 hours learning)

Ego States – What are they? How are they displayed?

Unconscious Bias – What is it? How do we know we have it?

Negotiation and Influencing – Develop the skills you need further.

Stakeholder Analysis – Explore who your stakeholders are and how you need to build relationships and interact with them for future success.

Team Dynamics – Understand the dynamics of the team, the behaviour displayed and how you can move to be a performing team.

Emotional Intelligence review – Share how you have been using your knowledge daily.

Communication Skills – What are they? How can you develop them? The art of having an effective conversation.

Body Language and non-verbal – Explore the importance of being able to read body language and the non-verbal communication to then have the confidence to raise awareness and explore.

Best Self Review – Share what if anything has improved and why, explore what still needs to be developed, why & how?

3Module 3 – Moving Forwards (6 hours learning)

Change Management – Explore where you and others are on the change curve and how you can recognise the behaviours.

Comfort Zone – Understand the behaviour when you and others are in their comfort, stretch and panic zone.

Growth Mindset – What is it? How can you have it? How do you know when you have a growth mindset v fixed mindset?

Decision Making – Explore how to make effective decisions.

Motivation and Maslow Hierarchy of Needs – Understand what motivates you and how you can set goals linked to motivators.

KOLB Learning Cycle – Understand behaviour of yourself and others when they are in role and how you can have effective conversations.

Conflict Resolution – Explore the different types of conflict and how to effectively approach situations. An opportunity to bring real life situations to the table to discuss.

Circle of Influence – Understand what is within your control and influence to be able to take steps to move forwards.

Assertiveness – How to increase your confidence through increased competence so that you can become assertive in your actions.

4Module 4 – Measuring Success (6 hours learning)

DISC – An opportunity to bring the reports and discuss with the group the best ways in which you can communicate with different people and the impact that adapting to preferences can have on relationships and performance.

Measuring Success – Explore ways in which success can be measured and celebrated.

Giving and Receiving Feedback – An opportunity to practice giving and receiving feedback with the group utilising the learning from the previous 3 modules and reflect on the impact.

Decision Making and Problem Solving – An opportunity to bring a live problem to the table and solve with the group using the skills developed over the problem and the tools provided. Make a decision to move forward with action.

Letter to Future Self – An opportunity to capture your learning and write yourself a letter which will be posted to you in 6 months’ time for review.

Best Self Wheel – An opportunity to review the progress made whilst on the programme and highlight successes and areas to continue to improve.

Goal Setting – A personal development plan to be created with short, medium and long term goals identified which can be used during coaching sessions.

Reflections – An opportunity to capture the learning and takeaways from the programme and commence the habit of daily reflection.

There is an option at the end of module one to purchase your DISC profile.

Upon completion of four modules, you will receive a CPD certificate to confirm you have received 24 hours of continued professional development with a coach of excellence.

Options available for both online delivery and 1:1 delivery upon request.

© 2022 Accendo Coaching
Created by Summit Creative